Wow, I haven't posted on this bad boy in forever. And for everybody who reads this (which would be nobody), I regret to inform you that I do not apologize. Ever, actually. Anyways, lets see whats on the table for today.
Hah! This demonstrates the beauty of Google. I simply google image searched "repulsive" and this was the second image. Could this guy even possibly be serious? I want to say no but then I look at his face and reconsider. . . Cultural differences? Mentally impaired yet independent? Comfortable? Definitely not comfortable. It's not just the shorts (if you may) that make this picture so repulsively great. His hat, backpack, sweet sleeveless shirt, his devious turnaround smile, and the fact that there is quite an audience to enjoy this character make this pretty epic. Are those Sillybands around his ankles or just ridiculous socks? Wow.
And that, right there, is Funley. Completely irrelative to anything current or significant yet somehow put into context (dont ask what context). Don't worry, one of these days I will get around to making this blog somewhat focused but today is not that day. Until then, Git-R-Dun.